

noun \ˈjil\

Definition of GILL

— see weight table

Origin of GILL

Middle English gille, from Medieval Latin gillus, from Late Latin gillo, gello water pot
First Known Use: 14th century


noun \ˈgil\

Definition of GILL

:  an organ (as of a fish) for obtaining oxygen from water
a :  3wattle
b :  the flesh under or about the chin or jaws —usually used in plural
c :  one of the radiating plates forming the undersurface of the cap of a mushroom fungus
gilled \ˈgild\ adjective
to the gills
:  as full or as much as possible <a suitcase packed to the gills>

Origin of GILL

Middle English gile, of Scandinavian origin; akin to Swedish gäl gill, Old Norse gjǫlnar lips; akin to Greek chelynē lip, jawbone
First Known Use: 14th century

Other Anatomy Terms

bilateral symmetry, carotid, cartilage, dorsal, entrails, prehensile, renal, solar plexus, supine, thoracic, ventral


verb \ˈgil\

Definition of GILL

transitive verb
:  gillnet
intransitive verb
of fish :  to become entangled in a gill net
gill·er noun

First Known Use of GILL


Other Hunting and Fishing Terms

chum, covert, creel, flense, pitfall, seine, skulk, spoor, trawl


noun \ˈgil\

Definition of GILL

British :  ravine
British :  a narrow stream or rivulet

Origin of GILL

Middle English gille, from Old Norse gil; akin to Old High German gil hernia
First Known Use: 14th century


noun, often capitalized \ˈjil\

Definition of GILL

Origin of GILL

Middle English, from Gill, nickname for Gillian
First Known Use: 15th century
GILL[2] Defined for Kids


noun \ˈjil\

Definition of GILL for Kids

:  a unit of liquid capacity equal to a quarter of a pint (about 120 milliliters)


noun \ˈgil\

Definition of GILL for Kids

:  an organ (as of a fish) for taking oxygen from water


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